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Norweski ptaszek


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wyjaśniając niektórym użytkownikom forum:
TO co jest na zdjeciach to jest AKCJA WYDOBYWANIA SAMOLOTU,
a jak jest silnik i nie ma reszty to jest AKCJA WYDOBYWANIA KAWAłKA SILNIKA


ps...chyba bede miał karteczke od boćka

Fw 190 A2 ólta 16" Werknummer 125 425, 12./JG5, wydobyty z morza (NOR).

15th Dec 1943, the plane crasced into the sea after tecnical problems, the pilot was rescued. 11th May last year, the plane was found on ca 60 meters depth after years of searching. Since the plane lies that deep, it has been untouched since the war.
Several important parts have allready been removed in secret to prevent plundering.
This recovery will get international interest not only becouse of it`s good shape, but also due to the fact that that it`s one of the first Fw190`s ever made. Of the ca 20000 planes made, this most likely belongs between the first 500.

The plan is to raise the plane at the end of October, and it has allready been prepared by experts. The museum at the former airport where the plane was stationed, Herdla museum, will get the plane for display in their museum.

i filmik z wydobycia

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