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8 odpowiedzi na to pytanie

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Narazie doczytałem się na stronie z armatami- KAISERHANOVER, z drugiej- WILHELM DEUTSCHER KAISER, pod spodem chyba data ale narazie widzę tylko ostatnią cyfrę 7. Siakiś pamiątkowy?
to może 1867 - wtedy :
In 1866 Bismarck provoked Austria into declaring war (AUSTRO-PRUSSIAN WAR or SEVEN WEEKS WAR). A number of other German states - Bavaria, Nassau, Hessen-Kassel, Hannover, joined the Austrian side. The Prussians were victorious in the BATTLE OF SADOWA (Königgrätz), and quickly a piece was concluded. Austria ceded Holstein to Prussia and withdrew from the German Confederation. It also ceded Venetia to Italy, which gained Bismarck Italy's goodwill. Else, Austria lost nothing; Bismarck's demands had been moderate in order to facilitate good German-Austrian relations afterwards. Prussia annexed Holstein, Hannover, Nassau, Hessen-Kassel and the city of Frankfurt (which had been neutral during the war). French Emperor Napoleon III. warned Prussia not to extend it's influence south of the Main river. The states to the north of it established the NORTH GERMAN CONFEDERATION in 1867, a confederation clearly dominated by Prussia.

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