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1834---ca. WW II
The A. Batschari tobacco company was located in Baden-Baden, Germany. Successful 19th Century sales to the French and Russian tourists visiting this resort area, resulted in a large factory complex being built in 1908. Both cigarettes and cigars were made by approximately 800 employees, most of whom were women. There were many German cigarette manufacturers who had their factories in Dresden, but as far as I know, August Batschari had Baden-Baden to himself. Mercedes Cigarettes was Batschari's most popular brand, but Cyprienne, Fürst Fürstenberg, Nymphe, Sleipner, and Tufuma were made by him too. This large family owned tobacco company was responsible for the beautiful circa 1900 advertising pictured below. During the 1930's Batschari gave away several sets of insert cards featuring popular moving picture actors. The bulk of these handsome cards pictured German actors and actresses, but several Americans, including cowboy Tom Mix and comedian Buster Keaton, also had cards. In 1930 a branch of the A. Batschari tobacco company was located in New York City at Madison Ave. and 46th Street.

The beautiful Batschari advertising pictured above, is from the collection of Joe Parker. Joe is a tobacco historian living in Maryland. I also want to thank Stuart Arnold, a collector of German cigarette insert cards, for his help in identifying Batschari advertising. Ernesto Haikewitsch, a pack collecting friend from Rio de Janeiro, pointed out several web sites with Batschari information to me. Lastly, my friends Herbert Zach of Vienna and Svein Petersen of Norway listed the different A. Batschari brands that they have in their large cigarette pack collections.

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