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Vincent Slegers Winter Uniforms of the German Army and Luftwaffe in World War II"


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Wydaje się ciekawa, poszperałem i znalazłem kilka slajdów z książki:

German Army and Luftwaffe Winter Uniforms in WWII is the first thorough and in-depth study to cover all aspects of the winter uniforms issued to and used by the ground-based troops of the German Army and Air Force during World War II. This book offers a definite overview, covering all uniform pieces and accessories, ranging from coats to scarves, and their developments, used materials, insignia and markings. The book is clearly illustrated with over 180 period black-and-white images and illustrations and up to 200 contemporary, full-color photographs, resulting in an overview with unprecedented detail"

Chyba sam się nad nią zastanowię, źródeł nigdy za wiele.

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