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Rekomendowane odpowiedzi

4e Regiment d’Infanterie

Regimental History

1806: Created, 4e Regiment d’Infanterie
1814: Disbanded

Colonels-en-Premier and Colonels-en-Second

1806: Perrier (Francois-Dominique) – Colonel-en-Premier
1806: Freuler (Josse-Fridolin-Jacques-Antoine-Felix-Seraphin-Stanislas) – Colonel-en-Second
1810: Affry ( Charles-Phillipe d’) – Colonel-en-Premier

None of the above officers attained the rank of General-de-Brigade

Colonels killed and wounded whilst serving with the 4e Regiment d’Infanterie


Officers killed and wounded whilst serving with the 4e Regiment d’Infanterie during the period 1806 - 1814

Officers killed: Forty-seven
Officers died of wounds: Three
Officers wounded: Sixty-nine

Regimental History (battles and combats in which officers were killed and wounded)

1807: Heilsberg and Friedland
1808: Lisbonne, Alcolea, Obidos, Rolicia, and Vimeiro
1809: Chaves, Tuy, and Oporto
1810: Vallavoid
1811: Magas
1812: Zoa, Llanguez, Polotsk, Beresina, Borisow, Cedano, Wilna, and Kowno
1813: Delfzyl
1814: Bescanon"

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