slawgo Napisano 5 Maj 2011 Napisano 5 Maj 2011 Duchy of Prussia (as vassal state to Kingdom of Poland), Albrecht von Hohenzollern (1525-1568), Solidus, 1558* SOLIDVS * PRVSSIA * 1558Legend surrounding inner circle enclosing large A flanked by rosettes with shield below* ALBERTVS . D . G . DVX . PRVSSIALegend surrounding inner circle enclosing spread eagle with S on chest (signifying Sigismund I, King of Poland)Plain edge19mm x 20mm, 1.15g, Billon SilverMintage: UnknownTu jest fotka innego rocznika:
sigis3 Napisano 5 Maj 2011 Napisano 5 Maj 2011 Prościej może tu
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