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Guzik carski




kto nosil takie guziki ? piechota ? wszelkie info na temat guzika i jednostek go noszacych mile widziane :)

23 odpowiedzi na to pytanie

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the buttons with the state coat of arms were introduced after 29 August of 1904 instead of the smooth buttons
Moim zdaniem, guziki numeryczne były używane od 1904 równolegle z guzikami z orłem. W stosunku do guzików z orłem jest ich jednak znacznie mniej, co nie znaczy, że są starsze. Technologia wykonania i miejsca ich odnajdywania wskazują na ten sam okres - mówię o guzikach takich, jak na zdjęciu w tym poście.
ded - czy cytujesz jakąś anglojęzyczną stronę, czy po prostu nie mówisz po Polsku, sorki za pytanie, ale jak będzie Ci wygodniej, to możemy przejść na angielski.
there is not one document, which speaks about existence of numerical buttons after 1862.
Unfortunately, I only badly read on Polish.
I live in Saint-Petersburg.
It's nice to welcome such visitors in our Forum:-) Maybe you have some of documents speaks about Russian Imperial Army's numerical buttons in electronical version (scan or photo)? I'll be very thankful for any information.
I am interested only in buttons.
and everything that exist through this theme it is located on the site.
to alegro they by the way sell the book about the uniform buttons of the owner of this site.
Yes, in that website buttons similar to presented above are described as made between 1829 - 1862 but I still think that numerical buttons were used simultaneously with the buttons with the state coat of arms after 1904.
Yes, documents speak clearly, but how to explain that numerical buttons are usually in Polish area dig out together with the smooth buttons and the buttons with the state coat of arms? Do you know, maybe, if this type of buttons were used for some type of uniforms? Or maybe it was just a rest of the older supplies?
in edict 1862 it is discussed the fact that too heavy expenses because of the enormous variety of images on the buttons.
and numeration of regiments was changed sufficiently frequently.
I suppose, besides of the instructions, in every regiments soldiers wear a lot of types of uniforms, buttons, just look at the historical photos - such a big amount of the types of uniforms, big differences between soldier's uniforms, especialy since the beginning of the Great War - this mix" may be the reason of discowering the old types of buttons together with the last models.
I is agreeable with you, that in the army rarely they destroy old form.
it they bear some period.
but in this case, from the cancellation of numerical buttons passed more than half century.
I am not sure if all the numerical buttons were cancelled until the half of XIX Centrury, but maybe you have a right, I have to check it to make myself absolutely sure. Thanks for the interesting conversation, it'll be a pleasure for me to have the next occasion to change the informations with you in the future. Now I wish you a nice weekend!

kto nosil takie guziki ? piechota ? wszelkie info na temat guzika i jednostek go noszacych mile widziane :)

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