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Duża mosiężna moneta


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Proponuję przepisać tutaj tekst znajdujący się dookoła monety :) Ewentualnie znaleźć frazę na googlach. Aczkolwiek na monetę to nie wygląda; prędzej jakiś żeton.
Kontramarka Pedro II- brazylijskiej monety.
PS. Informacja z netu. Jak dla mnie to wyjątkowo ciekawy temat bo lezało to z prusko.niemiecko.wrocławskiej ziemi :).

This type of counterstamping (20/40 in an oval - the general counterstamp", there are other types) to make 20 & 40 reis coppers were counterstamped in the mid-1830s. 20->10, 40->20, 80->40. There was a lot of deflation right after independence, in part because of rampant falsification and extreme lack of gold/silver from the Portuguese emptying the country's coffers as they returned home.

These types you have are fairly common in general. There are a few rare types, all dependent on the underlying coin, so the date & mint mark are very important. Unless you have: a mintmark other than R (e.g. B, C, G, M, SP); an underlying coin of value other than 20/40/80; legend error (e.g. PETRUST, BRSA), then you probably don't have anything worth more than what you paid.

R mintmarks are the most common. B mintmarks are less common, generally worth 2-5x the Rs.

Rare date, non-errors on these 1820s-1830s counterstamped/devalued 80->40 and 40->20 coppers would be:
1830B 80->40
1831B 80->40
Anything with mintmark C/G/SP or wierd values underneath like 75 or 37.5 you'd have something nice. 20->10s have some other rarities but it doesn't look like you have any.

Condition grading is more dependent on the underlying coin than the counterstamp, which is really basic on these. Standard copper coin grading applies.

They are interesting. Brazil has gone through a lot of monetary eforms"... these counterstamps are evidence of one of those reforms. After independence, Brazil started making its own coinage, leading to several different denominations circulating around, some originally intended for just some region, not to mention all the previous colonial/kingdom coins. These slightly older coppers were counterstamped because of deflation and in an effort to standardize the coins that were circulating. A lack of silver (from the beforementioned Portuguese theft) meant that copper was being used in place of silver coins, which is also why these are so large.

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