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Blaszka solar" z gwiazdami


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Proszę o pomoc wykapałem dziś taką blaszkę i chciałbym się dowiedzieć co to jest. Druga strona gładka. U góry napis SOLAR" na dole Ta" po boku gwiazdki.

rant jest ząbkowany ? jeżeli tak, to może być pokrętło od lampy naftowej.

odnośnie producenta nie pomogę - na stronie z pokrętłami nie ma takiego.
Burner marked SOLAR
Burner marked SOLAR by Alex Milton
Posted: Mar. 02, 1999 @ 20:54.
Can anyone provide information about a burner marked with SOLAR on the wick riser? The burner I have in mind has a high domed deflector. It has no threads to couple with a kerosene type brass collar - Instead there are two prongs protruding from the bottom of the burner that perhaps could attach into the opening of a tin or brass font. I would like to know what for and when these burners were used. My guess is that it was not used in a solar lamp - I have read that these typically had a low domed deflector. Another request please... I am interested in learning more about solar lamps. In an earlier post and response there are references to solar lamp articles published in the Rushlight - these I will try to obtain. Is there any other recommended reference or research material? Thanks in advance.
On Mar. 03, 1999 @ 07:20, Ara Kebapcioglu wrote:
Hi Alex, a burner named solar" for kerosene or maybe for solar oil was supplied early in this Century by Fr. Hoffmann in Sebnitz nearby Dresden (Germany). That's what says Goldberg's Burner Repertory from the year 1906. The burner shown looks like a common folded flat wick burner with the flame spreader borne by a rod. An earlier list from the 1880's features a Solar Burner" by Schuster & Baer, another famous German manufacturer, but no description, no illustration. Do you have a solar burner for vegetable oil, for kerosene or what other fuel? Is it possible to scan an image? I think it requires more information for a better identification. The bayonett-type fitting leads to Great Britain or to railroad lighting, I would say. Best regards, Ara (Paris).
On Mar. 03, 1999 @ 08:43, Alex Milton wrote:
Thankyou Ara. The burner I saw is presently in an eBay auction. Images can be viewed at: and solar1.jpg

On Mar. 03, 1999 @ 12:47, Fil Graff, Guild Secretary wrote:
Alex: Perhaps a simpler explanation would be the Miller SOLAR burner. This was a rather cheaply made flat wick burner, rather like the CLIMAX, sold to stores and even lamp makers. I didn't look up your reference on the 'net, but if the burner looks American, Miller is the likely culprit.
I MUST learn to read CAREFULLY before I answer! The prongs on the burner base are ayonet" fitters, and that likely makes the burner for the English market. I don't know of an ENGLISH Solar" (that does not rule one out, by any means!); maybe Hugo Schneider's Solarol" sold in the UK.
OK...third try. Went and looked at the images. It's an OLD chimneyless flat wick burner, with *SOLAR*SOLAR" on the knob (not much help!)...I'll go with English. :: Fil ::

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