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8 odpowiedzi na to pytanie

Rekomendowane odpowiedzi

Jak 4 to może być ten z foto nr2 Tuchrock"
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The Tuchrock" is worn with blue-mottled shirt and black tie to: Paradeanzug, Dienstanzug of Offiziere and Portepee-Unteroffiziere, kleiner Dienstanzug of Offiziere, Meldeanzug, Ausgehanzug (also white shirt allowed), Flugdienstanzug of Offiziere instead of the normally worn Fliegerbluse, Kleiner and Großer Gesellschaftsanzug of Mannschaften and Unteroffiziere, Kleinen and Großen Tagesgesellschaftsanzug of Offiziere.
The Tuchrock" was replaced by the Waffenrock within the early war-years. Cloth-, collar- and cuff-color: grey-blue; Buttons aluminium. Buttons on the shoulders without company-number. Generals, Ingenieure and officials with rank general golden buttons.

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