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Chcialbym zamiescic jednen z artykulow, jakie niedawno ukazal sie na niemieckiej liscie dyskusyjnej wsrod odkrywcow.Mam nadzieje, ze zaciekawi co niektorych. Niestety nie mialem czasu by go przetlumaczyc..jest wiec narazie wersja angielska

I was surfing around a bit on the Net and came across a German Site called This is just a site for treasure hunters (as the name implies), or so I thought first. I decided to check it out quickly, and once I saw one of the main titles -- Jonastal" -- I knew I was on to something good.
In Jonastal (Thüringen, southeastern Germany) a gigantic Bunker complex was built (codenamed OLGA), which was supposed to house Hitler and the remaining General Staff after his escape from Berlin. Things went diffrently as we know.

This complex was first reached by US forces in April of 1945, and quickly the Recon Platoon that had the Jonalstal sector realised that they where on to something big. The Area was closed off by the US Army and Eisenhower made a unsceduled trip there. The war diary pages of this visit (of the the 3d US Army I think) are still classified.

The fact is that Jonastal was not only a HQ but major R&D site for Nazi V-Weapons. To wit, the Horton Go 229 in the Smithsonian Institution's collection originates from Jonastal.

All exits where sealed to this complex and the area was then handed over to the Soviets. After the reunification, some hobby archaeologists found the site again and got interested. (Germany is hardly funding these kind of Archaeology Projects, so many enthusiasts just go at it by themselves.) WW2 sites are, of course, popular ... especially those which are underground.

This group was taken to court for their illegal trespassing on Government property, but this only made OLGA more public and interest grew. The complex is shrouded in mystery and there is hard evidence that not only conventional weapons where being researched here.

A recent flyover of German Tornado jets with Infrared equipment made visible different underground construction areas that imply (by their outlay) atomic research.

All of this can be confirmed: I have the reports and even a superb 45 minute German television video on this.

Now for the second portion of this discussion ...

The same Archaeologists that found OLGA are pursuing a new lead called No.7 Hangar Finsterwalde." This is supposedly the former Führer hangar," containing one of Hitler's private planes.

The hangar was demolished by the SS on April 20, 1945 with seven 50kg bombs before the Allies could reach the aerodrome; however, two of the bombs never went off.

Again, when the Russians took over the airfield, they piled up a dirt mound around the half-collapsed Hangar and no one went near it for 50 years for fear of the unexploded ordnance.

There are two primary suppositions concerning this Aerodrome Hangar:

1. One of Hitler's official planes is still inside.
2. A Fw 190 F-8 is inside, along with a Me262. (It could be a single example or a pair of them ... pub talk" has it that it could even be one of the first Me 262's, like V-3, which was believed destroyed in a bombing attack.

What causes me to write all of this is that fact that they have recently found parts of a FW190 F-8 in this Hangar!
Thus, there is a good chance that other intact airframes lie buried under the rubble.

The German Government has shut the site down now with a private security company on guard. Perhaps this is only a set of unsubstantiated rumors, but it does seem worth keeping an eye on.

If your German is sufficent check out this site, it has some articles on Weingut 2 and other Me262 production facilities, as well as some photos, both new and old.


Whether or not any of these reports are completely plausible, it seems clear that many similar postwar legends have been borne out in time (i.e. the U-Boat pens, etc.). Given the lack of access and hard facts, I'm not presenting an opinion on these matters one way or another (nor was Thomas), but it does seems like the stuff that all of our dreams are made of. Our thanks go out to Thomas for sharing these intriguing possibilities. As always, if anyone has information which might serve to either debunk or confirm anything we've presented here, we'd love to hear from them
dobrze by bylo jak by jeszcze byl po naszemu(po polsku) bo jak sam zapewne wiesz nie wszyscy znaja niemiecki i angielski!pozdrawiam

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