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Rekomendowane odpowiedzi

primo - niestety 1" nie ten, nie junk dollar 1933, 1934" aCHINA 1932 Sun Yat Sen Dollar"
secvndo - tandetna kopia, technika odlewu
The coin below caught my attention because of the story behind its
issue. By the early 1930's, Japan had already begun to flex her imperial
muscle in the Far East. In 1932, China struck a one-dollar coin with
Sun Yat-sen on the observe and a junk surrounded by three birds and a
sunset on the reverse. However, the public balked at the design
because sun appeared to symbolize the Rising Sun (Japan) and the three
birds resembled three warplanes. Sensitive to the growing aggression of
the Japanese, the Chinese government recalled and melted the issue. It
is unknown how many specimens survived. The coin was re-released in
1933 and 1934, but without the sun and birds in the design.

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