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Un agente de investigación observa varias armas de guerra encontradas en Villa Baviera, ex Colonia Dignidad en la Ciudad de Talca, Chile. An investigation officer observed several weapons found at Villa Baviera, a former Colonia Dignidad in the city of Talca, Chile. AFP

SANTIAGO /AFP -El Gobierno del presidente Ricardo Lagos afirmó el miércoles que el arsenal encontrado en la colonia alemana Dignidad es el más grande" descubierto en Chile desde la restauración de la democracia en 1990. SANTIAGO / AFP-The government of President Ricardo Lagos said on Wednesday that the arsenal found in the German colony Dignity is the largest discovered in Chile since the restoration of democracy in 1990.

"Es el más grande arsenal descubierto en manos privadas en el transcurso de la democracia reconquistada en Chile, y probablemente también el arsenal más grande en manos privadas en la historia de Chile, aseguró el subsecretario del Ministerio del Interior, Jorge Correa Sutil. "It is the largest arsenal found in private hands in the course of democracy in Chile reconquered, and probably also the largest arsenal in private hands in the history of Chile, said the undersecretary of the Interior Ministry, Jorge Correa Sutil.

Agentes de la Policía Civil de Investigaciones descubrieron el miércoles un tercer contenedor de armas de diverso calibre en los terrenos de la colonia alemana Dignidad, de 13,500 hectáreas, situada en la zona montañosa de Parral, 350 km al sur de Santiago. Agents of the Civilian Police Investigations discovered on Wednesday a third container of weapons of various calibres on the grounds of the German colony Dignity of 13500 hectares, located in the mountainous area of Parral, 350 km south of Santiago.

El director de Investigaciones, Arturo Herrera, dijo que el armamento incautado consiste en 85 subametralladoras, 60 granadas de mano, 14 fusiles FAL, 18 minas antipersonales, 18 granadas de racimo, lanzacohetes y miras telescópicas, que datan de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. The Director of Investigations, Arturo Herrera, said that the seized weaponry consists of 85 sub-machine guns, 60 hand grenades, 14 FAL rifles, 18 mines, 18 grenades bunches, rocket launchers and telescopic view, dating from the Second World War.

La colonia Dignidad fue fundada en 1961 por el ex cabo del Ejército nazi Paul Schaefer, que llegó a Chile junto a otros refugiados alemanes después de huir de su país donde enfrentaba denuncias por sodomía. The Dignity Colony was founded in 1961 by former Nazi Army out of Paul Schaefer, who arrived in Chile with other German refugees after fleeing their country faced allegations of sodomy.

Acusado de 26 abusos sexuales contra niños campesinos, Schaefer huyó de Chile en agosto de 1986, y tras permanecer prófugo por más de ocho años fue capturado en Argentina y expulsado en marzo pasado a Chile donde permanece encarcelado. Accused of 26 sexual abuse against children peasants, Schaefer fled Chile in August 1986, and after spending a fugitive for more than eight years was captured in Argentina and expelled last March to Chile where he remains imprisoned.

El juez Jorge Zepeda, que investiga la desaparición de presos políticos en la colonia Dignidad durante la dictadura del general Augusto Pinochet (1973-1990), llegó este miércoles al asentamiento para constatar el hallazgo del depósito subterráneo que ocultaba las armas. Judge Jorge Zepeda, who is investigating the disappearance of political prisoners in the colony Dignidad during the dictatorship of General Augusto Pinochet (1973-1990), arrived here Wednesday to the settlement makes finding the underground repository that concealed weapons.

El ex líder de la organización alemana enfrenta una investigación por al menos cinco presos políticos desaparecidos en la colonia durante el régimen de Pinochet. The former leader of the German organization faces an investigation by at least five political prisoners in the colony disappeared during the Pinochet regime.

El magistrado sostuvo que el armamento encontrado corresponde a la época en que Paul Schaefer estaba al interior de la colonia, actual Villa Baviera. The judge held that the weapons found corresponds to the time when Paul Schaefer was inside the colony, current Villa Baviera.

"Contiene armas, básicamente armas de fuego (...) Yo no soy especialista en eso, pero se aprecia que son armas mayores. Eso lo tendrán que decir los peritos conforme a la orden que se les dará para que las clasifiquen, indicó el juez Zepeda. "There are weapons, basically firearms (...) I am not a specialist in that, but it is clear that arms are greater. That will be to say experts according to the order that was given to the classified, he said Judge Zepeda.

"Es una cantidad importante, aseguró el juez Zepeda al ser consultado por la prensa en Parral. "It's a significant amount, said Zepeda judge to be consulted by the press in Parral.

"Confiamos en que este hallazgo nos ayude a poder convencer a los jueces que, además de ser una asociación que estaba destinada a cometer delitos sexuales y también delitos tributarios y económicos, estamos también ante un asociación ilícita en razón de sus fines paramilitares, expresó en Santiago el subsecretario del Ministerio de Interior, Jorge Correa Sutil. "We hope that this finding will help us to convince the judges that, in addition to being a partnership that was intended to commit sexual offences and also tax and economic crimes, we are also facing a conspiracy because of his paramilitary purposes, said Santiago undersecretary of the Ministry of Interior Jorge Correa Sutil.

A su vez, el ministro del Interior, Francisco Vidal, señaló que el compromiso del Gobierno del presidente Lagos es garantizar que no exista ni un sólo metro cuadrado en el territorio nacional donde no se aplique el Estado de Derecho. In turn, the interior minister, Francisco Vidal, said that the commitment of the government of President Lagos is to ensure that there is not a single square meter in the country where failure to implement the rule of law.

Durante muchos años, la colonia alemana Dignidad permaneció como un territorio inexpugnable para la Policía chilena. For many years, German colony Dignity remained impregnable as a territory for the Chilean police.

La colonia alemana Dignidad en Chile, cuyo fundador Paul Schaefer está preso acusado de violaciones a los derechos humanos, se expone a un duro castigo por ocultar el mayor arsenal descubierto desde que concluyó la dictadura del general Augusto Pinochet, informaron este jueves fuentes oficiales. The Dignity German colony in Chile, whose founder Paul Schaefer is a prisoner accused of human rights violations, subjected to a harsh punishment for concealing the largest arsenal discovered since the end of the dictatorship of General Augusto Pinochet, official sources reported Thursday.

"No descartamos nada en este momento, advirtió el subsecretario del Ministerio del Interior, Jorge Correa Sutil, en alusión a la ley sobre seguridad interior del Estado que castiga con cárcel a quienes atenten contra el orden interno o se organicen en asociaciones ilícitas para propicien la subversión. "We do not rule out anything at this time, warned the undersecretary of the Interior Ministry, Jorge Correa Sutil, referring to the law on internal security of the State punishable by imprisonment for those who violate domestic law or are organized into associations to foster unlawful subversion.

“Estamos ante una organización que se presentó al país como una entidad benefactora, y que claramente se muestra ahora como una entidad que cometió una multiplicidad de delitos, entre ellos de carácter político y con un armamento digno de un Ejército", dijo el subsecretario. This is an organization that was presented to the country as an entity benefactor, and it clearly shows now as an entity who committed multiple crimes, including of a political nature and with a weapon worthy of a Army," said the undersecretary.
A gwoli wyjasnienia - to 'mialy' byc MP3008 czyli Gerät Neumünster czyli Volksmaschinenpistole z konca wojny. Ale znalezisko i tak fajne, ciekawe jak sie tam dostaly...
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The new discovery of weapons at Villa Baviera included rocket launchers, ammunition, missiles and grenades, as reported by uniformed police.
Carabinieri found a new cache of weapons and explosives in the grounds of the former Colonia Dignidad, German enclave located in the Seventh Region, and Don and last month was discovered another arsenal, police sources reported.
The operation by the Special Operations Group (BEPGs) Carabineros within the operation Jeremiah 33:3," lasted for almost nine hours and ended around 21:00 pm on the last Friday (00:00 GMT) on the campus located in the commune of Parral, 341 miles south of Santiago.
According to police sources indicated, the measure allowed the discovery of an unspecified amount of weaponry, consisting of rocket launchers, ammunition, missiles and grenades, and was buried in several deposits to four metres deep.
The diligence ordered by Judge Jorge Zepeda, who is investigating cases of human rights violations committed in the enclave during the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet, led last June, finding a powerful military arsenal, whose nature and dates are still being determined by experts.
This time, the police were supported by a geo-radar", dubbed Arturito", which detects metals, cement and bone remains to several meters deep.
The device, created by a former official of Investigation, with the collaboration of engineers, was used to find the body of the agricultural businessman Jose Yuraszeck.
According to the uniformed police, it is hoped that next week is used to Arturito" in the search for the remains of political prisoners who disappeared in the German enclave.
Judge Zepeda processed the founder of the colony, the German Paul Schaefer, for the abduction of four opponents to the dictatorship, a position for which also charged five former agents of the secret police of Pinochet, the National Intelligence Directorate (DINA) .
Schaefer, who founded Dignity in 1961 as a eneficial to society", was arrested in Australia four months ago and transferred to Chile, after having been a fugitive from justice since late 1996 for sexual abuse of minors.
He is currently incarcerated at the High Security Prison (CAS).
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